A moça correu para anunciar aos da casa de sua mãe tudo o que acontecera. Tesouro da Escritura of. Gênesis 24:48,55,67 Gênesis 31:33 her mother's. 50,) was a younger brother. This is possible; but as Dr. A. Clarke remarks, the mother's house might be mentioned were even the father alive; for in Asiatic countries, the women have apartments entirely separate from those of the men, in which their little children and grown-up daughters reside with them. This was probably the case here; though, from the whole narrative, it is very probable that Bethuel was dead, as the whole business appears to be conducted by Rebekah's brothers. Ligações Gênesis 24:28 Interlinear • Gênesis 24:28 Multilíngue • Génesis 24:28 Espanhol • Genèse 24:28 Francês • 1 Mose 24:28 Alemão • Gênesis 24:28 Chinês • Genesis 24:28 Inglês • Bible Apps • Bible HubBíblia King James Atualizada (Português) © 2012 Abba Press. Usado com permissão. |