1 Reis 16:8
No vigésimo sexto ano de Asa, rei de Judá, Elá, filho de Baasa, começou a governar em Tirza sobre o povo de Israel e reinou dois anos.
Tesouro da Escritura


3075 B.C.

In the twenty
Baasha began to reign in the third year of Asa, and reigned

24 years; yet he died and was succeeded by Elah in the

26th year of Asa; and, in like manner, Elah, who began to reign in the

26th year of Asa, and was killed in the

27th, is said to have reigned two years. This it is evident that a part of a year is calculated as a whole year. In the Chinese annals, the whole year in which a king dies is ascribed to his reign, the years of the succeeding king being reckoned only from the beginning of the following year.

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