Êxodo 8:16
Disse Yahweh a Moisés: “Dize a Arão: ‘Estende o teu cajado e fere o pó da terra, para que se torne em piolhos por todo o território egípcio!’”
Tesouro da Escritura


Êxodo 8:5,17
Disse mais Yahweh a Moisés: “Dize a Arão: ‘Estende a tua mão com o teu cajado sobre os rios, sobre os canais e lagoas, e faze subir rãs sobre a terra do Egito’”.…


1. they sprang from the dust, and not from the waters;

2. they were on both man and beast, which cannot be said of gnats;

3. their name is derived from koon, to make firm, fix, establish, which cannot agree with gnats, flies, which are ever changing place, and almost constantly on the wing;

4. the term kinnah is used by the Talmudists to express the louse. This insect must have been a very dreadful and afflicting plague to the Egyptians, and especially to the priests, who were obliged to shave all their hair off, and to wear a single linen tunic, to prevent vermin harbouring about them.

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