Gênesis 28:5
Assim, despediu Isaque a Jacó, que se foi a Padã-Arã, à casa de Labão, filho de Betuel, o arameu, irmão de Rebeca, mãe de Jacó e Esaú.
Tesouro da Escritura

sent away Jacob.

21 years, he was obliged to leave him in a clandestine manner, not without danger of being brought back, or murdered by his enraged brother; no sooner were these fears over, than he experienced the baseness of his son Reuben, in defiling his bed; he had next to bewail the treachery and cruelty of Simeon and Levi toward the Shechemites; then he had to feel the loss of his beloved wife; he was next imposed upon by his own sons, and had to lament the supposed untimely end of Joseph; and to complete all, he was forced by famine to go into Egypt, and there died, in a strange land. So just, wonderful, and instructive are all the ways of Providence!


Gênesis 28:2
Levanta-te, vai a Padã-Arã, à casa de Betuel, teu avô materno, e casa-te com uma das filhas de Labão, irmão de tua mãe!

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